Friday, July 11, 2014

Encode and Decode WAS Password

Hi All,

Please follow below method to encode/decode password:


$WAS_BINARIES/java_1.7_64/jre/bin/java -Djava.ext.dirs=$WAS_BINARIES/plugins:$WAS_BINARIES/lib abcdef


decoded password == "abcdef", encoded password == "{xor}Pj08Ozo5"


$WAS_BINARIES/java_1.7_64/jre/bin/java -Djava.ext.dirs=$WAS_BINARIES/plugins:$WAS_BINARIES/lib {xor}Pj08Ozo5


encoded password == "{xor}Pj08Ozo5", decoded password == "abcdef"

Add Certs to WAS Truststore

1)     Go to Websphere Console
2)     Click on Security -> SSL Certificate and Key Mgmt -> Manage endpoint security configurations
3)     Click on node 1 (inbound/outbound - NodeDefaultSSLSettings) -> Check and note down“Inherited SSL Configuration Name”
4)     Click on Security -> SSL Configurations -> “Inherited SSL Configuration Name”
5)     Note “Trust Store name”
6)     Click on Key Stores and certificates
7)     Take backup of trust.p12 path mentioned in front of “Trust Store name”.
8)     Click “Trust Store name” -> Signer Certficates
9)     Place the cert on that node at any location.
10)  Click on Add
11)  Name it anything (Preferred – name of the URL)
12)  Give complete path of the cert.
13)  Restart all Nodeagents and app servers for changes to take place.