Monday, January 13, 2014

Migration from WAS 7 to WAS 8/8.5/9.0

- On Target environment goto AppServer/bin directory 
./ -targetDir /tmp/MigrateTemp/
jar -xvf [JAR NAME]
./ /<SourceDir>/backup /<SourceDir>/was -machineChange true -oldProfile <SourceProfile>

- Extract the JAR contents under /tmp/MigrateTemp/

- Remove JAR file

- On Source Environment, copy the complete direcory MigrateTemp

- on Source Environment, cd MigrateTemp/bin

- copy complete directory /<SourceDir>/backup on the target server

- on Target Environment, cd profile/bin

./ /<targetDir>/backup -profileName <targetProfile> -oldProfile <sourceProfile> -includeApps true

- Once completed, restart the server [as it will prompt to add keystore cert in truststore]

- perform test connection and check SystemOut to check for any errors. 

- change SSLProtocol to TLS. 

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