Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Various WAS Versions - Installation and Un-installation

 WAS 6.1 Installation & Uninstallation

GUI Installation:

Run df –k to check filesytem space that is free.
Navigate to any directory listed that has at least 1.2 GB of space free, example cd /tmp and create directory called was60 by running mkdir was60, then cd was60
Get tar file (was6.1.ND.Linux32.tar - if OS is Linux and its 32 bit) to /tmp/was60
Untar was6.1.ND.Linux32.tar by running tar –xvf was6.1.ND.Linux32.tar
When tar is done, type in rm *.tar
Start the Xserver on your pc and export the DISPLAY= <your pc ip:0.0>.
The installation of WAS, plugin, HTTPServer, and AIX client are separate installs.
Type in cd to the directory where the installation files are (in this case, /tmp/was60/WAS) and run the install executable “./install”.

Click on Next
Click on Accept Agreement
Click Next
Click Next
Enter WAS Installation Directory where you want to get WAS 6 installed.
Click Next 
Select Core Product Files -> App Server Samples and Javadocs -> Next -> Next
Uncheck the “Launch the Profile creation wizard” box and click on Next -> Next
Uncheck the “Launch the First steps console” and click on Finish.

SILENT Installation:

Run df –k to check filesytem space that is free.
Navigate to any directory listed that has at least 1.2 GB of space free, example cd /tmp and create directory called was60 by running mkdir was60, then cd was60
Get tar file (was6.1.ND.Linux32.tar - if OS is Linux and its 32 bit) to /tmp/was60
Untar was6.1.ND.Linux32.tar by running tar –xvf was6.1.ND.Linux32.tar
When tar is done, type in rm *.tar
cd /tmp/was60/WAS
vi responsefile.nd.txt
contents of response file:

-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true"
-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"
-OPT disableNonBlockingPrereqChecking="true"
-OPT feature="noFeature"
-OPT installType="installNew"
-OPT installLocation="WAS_INSTALL_LOC"

Run below command –
<JAVA_INSTALL_LOC>/java -jar setup.jar -options  /tmp/was60/responsefile.nd.txt -silent

Profile Creation in WAS 6:– Make sure you get the msg INSTCONFSUCCESS after every command. 

DMGR : Edit the BOLD part as per your requirement
<WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/bin/  -create -profileName Dmgr -templatePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profileTemplates/dmgr -cellName dmgr_cell -nodeName dmgr_node -hostName localhost  -profilePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profiles/

Verification: grep dmgr < profilePath>/config/cells/nodes/<nodeName>/serverindex.xml

Start DMGR: <dmgr_profilePath>/bin/

<WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/bin/  -create -profileName Node01 -templatePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profileTemplates/managed -cellName dmgr_cell -nodeName node_node -hostName localhost -profilePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profiles/

Add Node to the DMGR:
<Node_Profile_Loc>/bin/ <DMGR_HOSTNAME> <DMGR_SOAP_PORT>

Un installation of WAS 6:

·         For WAS Uninstallation:
cd <WAS_60_INSTALL_DIR>/_uninst
./uninstall -silent
·         For IHS Uninstallation:
cd <IHS_60_INSTALL_DIR>/_uninst
./uninstall –silent
·         rm -rf WAS_60_INSTALL_DIR> <IHS_60_INSTALL_DIR>

WAS 7 Installation & Fix Pack Upgrade

GUI Installation:

Run df –k to check filesytem space that is free.
Navigate to any directory listed that has at least 1.2 GB of space free, example cd /tmp and create directory called was70 by running mkdir was70, then cd was70
Get tar file (was7.0.ND.Linux32.tar - if OS is Linux and its 32 bit) to /tmp/was70
Untar was7.0.ND.Linux32.tar by running tar –xvf was7.0.ND.Linux32.tar
When tar is done, type in rm *.tar
Start the Xserver on your pc and export the DISPLAY= <your pc ip:0.0>.
The installation of WAS, plugin, HTTPServer, and AIX client are separate installs.
Type in cd to the directory where the installation files are (in this case, /tmp/was70/WAS) and run the install executable “./”.

Click on Next
Click on Accept Agreement
Click Next
Click Next
Enter WAS Installation Directory where you want to get WAS 6 installed.
Click Next 
Select Core Product Files -> App Server Samples and Javadocs -> Next -> Next
Uncheck the “Launch the Profile creation wizard” box and click on Next -> Next
Uncheck the “Launch the First steps console” and click on Finish.

SILENT Installation:

Run df –k to check filesytem space that is free.
Navigate to any directory listed that has at least 1.2 GB of space free, example cd /tmp and create directory called was70 by running mkdir was70, then cd was70
Get tar file (was7.0.ND.Linux32.tar - if OS is Linux and its 32 bit) to /tmp/was70
Untar was7.0.ND.Linux32.tar by running tar –xvf was7.0.ND.Linux32.tar
When tar is done, type in rm *.tar

cd /tmp/was70/WAS
vi responsefile.nd.txt
contents of response file:

-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true"
-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"
-OPT disableNonBlockingPrereqChecking="true"
-OPT feature="noFeature"
-OPT installType="installNew"
-OPT installLocation="WAS_INSTALL_LOC"

Run below command –
<JAVA_INSTALL_LOC>/java -jar setup.jar -options  /tmp/was60/responsefile.nd.txt -silent

Profile Creation in WAS 7:– Make sure you get the msg INSTCONFSUCCESS after every command. 

DMGR : Edit the BOLD part as per your requirement
<WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/bin/  -create -profileName Dmgr -templatePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profileTemplates/dmgr -cellName dmgr_cell -nodeName dmgr_node -hostName localhost  -profilePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profiles/

Verification: grep dmgr < profilePath>/config/cells/nodes/<nodeName>/serverindex.xml

Start DMGR: <dmgr_profilePath>/bin/

<WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/bin/  -create -profileName Node01 -templatePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profileTemplates/managed -cellName dmgr_cell -nodeName node_node -hostName localhost -profilePath <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/profiles/

Add Node to the DMGR:
<Node_Profile_Loc>/bin/ <DMGR_HOSTNAME> <DMGR_SOAP_PORT>

FixPack upgrade on WAS 7:

  • Verify 1 GB space under /tmp, <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>
    ·  Download (if fix pack is on AIX and fix pack is
    ·  Copy the file to servers (to /tmp/UpdateFixPack) and extract using gunzip and tar -xvf commands.
    ·  cd /tmp/UpdateFixPack/UpdateInstaller
    ·  vi responsefile.updiinstaller.txt – Contents are below:

    -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
    -OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true"
    -OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"
    -OPT disableEarlyPrereqChecking="true"
    -OPT installLocation="<WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/UpdateInstaller"
  • Run below command to install Update Installer: cd /tmp/UpdateFixPack/UpdateInstaller
    /tmp/UpdateFixPack/UpdateInstaller/install -options responsefile.updiinstaller.txt -silent
    ·         Verification:
    Name                     IBM Update Installer for WebSphere software
    ID                       UPDI

    · cd /usr/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller/logs/ install/  
    · less updatelog.txt and check whether INSTCONFSUCCESS is at the last.
    · Download WAS and SDK update package: 7.0.0-WS-WAS-AixPPC32-FP0000027.pak
    from and place it under /tmp UpdateFixPack/WAS.
    · Stop all WAS processes
    · cd /tmp/UpdateFixPack/WAS, vi responsefile.txt. contents are:

    -OPT checkFilePermissions="true"
    -W maintenance.package="/tmp UpdateFixPack/WAS/ 7.0.0-WS-WAS-AixPPC32-FP0000027.pak; /tmp UpdateFixPack/WAS /7.0.0-WS-WASSDK-AixPPC32-FP0000027.pak"
    -OPT disableNonBlockingPrereqChecking="true"
    -OPT rootUserHasRunSlibcleanCommandSuccessfully="true"
    -W product.location= “<WAS_INSTALL_LOC >"
    -W update.type="install"
    · Run below command:

    <WAS_INSTALL_LOC>/UpdateInstaller/ -options /tmp/UpdateFixPack/WASresponsefile.txt -silent

    · Check logs under /usr/local/opt/was/was70/logs

    Delete a profile:

    <WAS_BINARIES>/bin/ -listProfiles
    For e.g.  Output of this command is [Dmgr]
    <WAS_BINARIES>/bin/ -delete -profileName Dmgr

    Uninstall WAS Binaries
    ·         For WAS Uninstallation:
    cd <WAS_70_INSTALL_DIR>/_uninst
    ./uninstall -silent

    ·         rm -rf WAS_70_INSTALL_DIR> 

    WAS 8 Installation, Fix Pack Upgrade & Uninstallation

    - Download IIM (agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86) from
    - unzip to the <IIM_soft_path>
    - Run below command to install IIM:

    ${IIM_soft_path}/groupinstc -nosplash \
    -s \
    -acceptLicense \
    -installationDirectory <IIM_path> \
    -dataLocation <IIM_data_path>

    Verify installation by checking log file, it should be empty

    Installed**.20120831_1216 to the <IIM_soft_path>/eclipse directory.

1.       cd <IIM_soft_path>/eclipse/tools
2.       Execute the following command as mopsoft:
./imcl install \
-repositories <Repository_Location> \
-installationDirectory <INSTALL_DIR> \
-acceptLicense \
-showProgress \
-log install_WAS85.log 

1.       The results should show
Installed to …
Installed to

List the installed packages:./imcl listInstalledPackages –long

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